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Shelton in Love
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Table of Contents
Shelton in Love
Book Details
Shelton in Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Shelton's Promise
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Shelton's Choice
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Shelton's Homecoming
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Merry Christmas, Shelton
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
About the Author
Shelton in Love
Shelton is falling hard for his best friend and roommate, finding Nevil's dark good looks and moments of gentleness almost impossible to resist. But Nevil is more interested in affairs of the body than the heart. As Shelton's desire for the man grows, he wonders if he can change Nevil's mind. But does he even want to? Nevil might not stay, once he learns Shelton's secret, and then his loneliness would be complete.
Shelton in Love
By Dianne Hartsock
Published by Less Than Three Press LLC
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner without written permission of the publisher, except for the purpose of reviews.
Edited by Tracey Pennington and Michelle Kelley
Cover designed by Natasha Snow
This book is a work of fiction and all names, characters, places, and incidents are fictional or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, places, or events is coincidental.
First Edition February 2017
Copyright © 2017 by Dianne Hartsock
Printed in the United States of America
Digital ISBN 9781620049181
Print ISBN 9781620049198
I’d like to thank my readers and past editors for their wonderful advice in the creation of this story. I’d also like to give a special thanks to my amazing editors, Tracey Pennington and Michelle Kelley, for their knowledge and insight, and also Less Than Three Press for giving my Shelton a home.
Shelton in Love
Chapter One
Shelton ignored the flutter in his stomach that he always experienced when invited into Nevil's room and settled back into the cushions of the chair. "Who's the lucky color?" he asked, trying to feign indifference.
Nevil drew a pair of socks from the top drawer of the bureau at random. "Ah, the gray ones."
"What? Percy again? Didn't you have him earlier in the week?"
"So what? These socks have never let me down," Nevil countered and rubbed the soft wool against his cheek, purring like a happy kitten.
Shelton's stomach knotted at the decadent smile on Nevil's face. Nevil had made it clear when they had first met he'd enjoy sleeping with him. The jealousy eating Shelton now was his own fault, but was it wrong of him to want more from Nevil than a passing fling?
He shoved away the thought of sharing something meaningful with Nevil knowing it could never happen. However, the desire made Nevil's flirtation all the more hurtful. "Fine, but if you make the man fall in love with you, you can buy us an answering machine and listen to his calls when I'm not home. I don't want to hear him whine when you break it off."
Nevil looked at him, raising a finely arched brow. "Who says I'll break it off?"
"Get real. You'll be bored in less than a week. Remember Daniel Pratte? You scarcely managed six days with him after swearing to all who'd listen you'd love him forever. He called for weeks after you told him it was over, hoping you'd be the one to pick up the phone. Admittedly, he was a bit of a prig, but I'm the one who had to listen to him sobbing his heart out. I refuse to do that with Percy."
"Danny wasn't the right man for me. I haven't made up my mind about Percy." Nevil unknowingly twisted the knife deeper into Shelton's heart. Shelton unconsciously held his breath when Nevil sat back against the headboard and lifted his foot onto the bed, pushing up the cuff of his tan Dockers. Moistening his lips, Shelton fought his attraction as he watched Nevil pull the sock over his foot and up a muscular calf. He was a faithful jogger and in May already had the beginnings of a fabulous tan.
Shelton's treacherous gaze followed the fine dark hair up Nevil's leg until it disappeared under the cuff of his pants. Captivated, his gaze continued upward to where the fabric tented nicely at the juncture of his thighs. His heart skipped a beat when Nevil shifted on the bed and the material pressed against a definite bulge.
Panicked, he raised his head, hoping Nevil hadn't observed his interest. Nevil's beautiful blue-green eyes watched him; then Nevil cocked an eyebrow. Shelton pushed to his feet from the chair, his face burning at Nevil's slightly mocking smile. "I'm going to make a sandwich. Do you want one?"
"No, thanks. I need to save room for dessert," Nevil reminded him as his tongue flicked over his lips. An image of Percy's nicely rounded butt in tight jeans flashed through Shelton's mind.
"Suit yourself," Shelton muttered, watching as Nevil crossed his legs to leisurely pull on the second sock. Tearing his gaze from the provocative sight before acting on the impulse to join Nevil on the bed and strip him of clothing, Shelton left the room and stomped to the kitchen, grabbing meat and cheese from the refrigerator. He swore under his breath as he slathered mayonnaise on the bread, hating Percy and every other man represented in the myriad of colored socks in Nevil's top drawer.
Eating at the counter, he glanced up to find Nevil leaning against the door frame watching him. Shelton wondered what the thoughtful look on his face meant.
"Do you have plans?" Nevil asked after a moment.
"Tera wants to shoot some photos down by the lake."
"Now? The sun will be down in an hour."
Shelton shrugged. "She's your sister. Think you can talk your twin out of something when she's made up her mind to do it? I can't."
Nevil snorted. "Neither can I." He straightened. "Well, I'm off. See you later, darling," he said as if they were a couple. Shelton felt the blood mount in his cheeks, infuriated by his callousness. Nevil had to be aware of his feelings for him. Why did he feel it was necessary to flaunt his lovers in his face?
Remembering the sandwich in his hands, he glowered at it, no longer hungry. Climbing off the stool, he tossed the sandwich in the garbage under the sink, wrinkling his nose at the ripe odor that wafted from the canister.
Shelton's shoulders slumped and he leaned a hip against the counter, discouraged. Maybe it was time to admit defeat and move out. He and Nevil had become friends when his firm had hired Nevil's architectural company to design their new office building. They'd moved in together when the project was completed, Shelton finding Nevil's dark good looks, dry humor, and moments of gentleness almost irresistible.
He'd hoped that with proximity the attraction between them would grow into something more lasting. He let out a dejected breath, realizing it was his own fault that it hadn't. Shelton had never shared with Nevil the true reason why he wouldn't sleep with him.
He was afraid. It was that simple.
The few relationships he'd had in the past had ended badly, leaving him embarrassed and heartbroken. Despite how much he longed to try again with Nevil, the thought of being vulnerable again terrified him. He didn't think he
could survive Nevil's rejection.
Thoroughly out of sorts with himself, he pulled a jacket from the closet and left the apartment to meet Tera at the park. It was a short walk, and to his surprise, he rather enjoyed the crisp air with its hint of summer to come in the warm breeze. The wind ruffled his brown curls and he smiled to himself, knowing Tera loved that windswept look in her photos.
Humor restored, he trotted along the path through the trees to the picturesque lake at the park's center. He spotted Tera setting up the mobile spotlight between two maple trees close to the shore and waved when she glanced at him, ignoring the thud of his heart. She was a softer, feminine version of Nevil with her luxurious dark hair in a chignon at her neck.
Shelton swore under his breath, not wanting to think about her brother and what he was probably doing with Percy at that moment.
Eyes the same incredible blue-green as Nevil's flashed at him as he came up to her, and she rose on her toes to kiss his cheek. "Hello, dear. Hurry, the light's perfect." Tera motioned urgently toward the portable dressing room.
Shelton chuckled, already stripping out of jacket and shirt as he crossed to the curtained booth. Tera was always in a rush, bursting with more energy than two or three other people combined.
Stepping into the booth, he quickly changed from jeans into the coffee-brown slacks and white dress shirt hanging on the rack. Slipping his arms through the ivory-colored vest, he slung the coffee-and-tan tie around his neck and returned to Tera's side, tucking in the shirt as he went.
Shelton glanced up at a low whistle, feeling the tingle of a blush starting under Nevil's appraising eyes. He tried to stifle a surge of excitement that Nevil had come to watch the photo shoot when he hadn't seemed interested earlier. Plans must have changed with Percy.
"You dress up nicely," Nevil assured him as he stepped closer and batted Shelton's fumbling hands away from the tie. "Let me do that."
Shelton concentrated on Nevil's fingers on his tie, urging his heart to stop racing before Nevil felt it pounding under his fingertips. Nevil's breath brushed his cheek and his spicy cologne sent his senses whirling.
Why was he so damned attractive?
Shelton hardly noticed Tera slipping his arms into a jacket until Nevil commented on it, rubbing the silk and wool material between his fingers. "Nice."
Shelton glanced at his sleeve and admired the sharkskin pattern of taupe, tan, and black checkers. He shrugged his shoulders, delighted with the fit and comfort of the sport coat. "A new one?" he asked Tera.
"I've had the design finished for months but couldn't decide if it should go in my summer or fall catalog."
Nevil finished with the tie and stepped back, looking Shelton up and down. "Definitely summer, though I'd wear a coat like that all year round. Almost any color of slacks would go with it."
"Or socks," Shelton muttered a reminder to himself as Nevil ran his fingers through his hair, sending sparks of desire through his body as he mussed his curls.
Nevil tilted his head to take in the overall effect. A lazy smile spread on his face while a warm gleam entered his fantastic eyes. "Delicious." His gaze lingered on Shelton's shoulders before sliding down to his hips.
Shelton wished the coat was buttoned as he felt a twitch in his groin, his body perking up at the attention. The whirl of the camera in Tera's hand recalled him from the tantalizing thought of Nevil's hands on him as well as his gaze, and Shelton moved to stand under the soft light she set up to complement the glow from the setting sun.
He thought he'd feel awkward with Nevil watching while he posed, but instead found Nevil's presence exhilarating. Shelton knew he looked his best and Nevil's admiring attention bolstered his confidence. Ignoring the stares of a few passersby, he flirted with the camera, losing his inhibition as Tera called encouragements and clicked frame after frame, only calling a halt when the sunlight had gone.
"These are lovely. They'll fill out the catalog nicely," she commented, tilting the camera to show the men a few of her favorites.
Nevil whistled at one in particular where Shelton had glanced at the camera through lowered lids, a secret smile playing on his lips. The overhead light brought out the highlights in his chestnut hair and lightened his hazel eyes, complementing the warm colors of his ensemble for an overall attractiveness.
"You'll need to stockpile this coat, Tera," Nevil observed, his eyes never leaving Shelton's. "Every man who sees that picture is going to want one for his own." His gaze was intense and Shelton colored at the innuendo.
"I'd better change."
Nevil grabbed his tie as he took a step away, stopping him, his smile widening at Shelton's exasperated breath. "Can we borrow the suit, Tera? I want to take Shelton out for a drink in it. The boys will love it."
Shelton made a halfhearted protest and Tera came to his rescue. "Maybe he's tired, Nevil."
"Then a drink is just what he needs, especially after working in that stuffy bank all day."
"I'd say he needs his sleep. Being the financial advisor to a bunch of corporate bigwigs can't be easy."
Nevil planted his fists on his hips. "Neither is designing condos for a bunch of snotty businessmen. Yet I'm going out."
Shelton listened as they discussed him, part of him longing to go with Nevil, though the thought of spending an evening with Nevil thrilled and terrified him at the same time. It would be hard to keep his resolution not to sleep with Nevil after a few drinks, especially when Nevil already stole his breath with a smile. He wondered with an uneasy detachment what they would decide to do with him.
He wrinkled his brows at a depressing thought. "What happened to Mr. Gray Socks?" he asked, unable to keep the derision from his voice. Damn, he hated this feeling of jealousy, but he couldn't seem to help it.
"He had to work late. God, Shelton, it's only a drink. I'm not asking you to strip for me." He put a hand on his shoulder and a hot flush of desire swept through Shelton at the touch. Erotic images of the two of them together flashed in his mind and Shelton had trouble focusing on the rest of Nevil's comment. "Come with me. You'll have fun and I'd love to hear you laugh tonight."
Shelton glanced at Tera, who nodded. "I can pick the suit up tomorrow."
"No you don't," Nevil put in, bowing slightly. "I'll personally have it dry-cleaned and delivered to you."
Tera laughed and pushed Nevil toward his Prius parked at the curb. "Idiot. Go on." She patted Shelton's cheek as he hesitated. "Enjoy yourself. It's okay to have a little fun."
Shelton saw her bite her lip, her gaze lowering like it did when she was worried.
"You know how my brother is. I love him to pieces, but he and you..."
Shelton sighed as she stumbled over her words. "He'd never date someone like me."
"I've never known him to seriously date anyone, and you're too nice. Don't let him hurt you."
"I'll be careful," he promised, but she was still frowning.
"Robert's gone for the weekend on a business trip." She hesitated, concerned but plainly not wanting to interfere. "If things get too crazy at home, come stay with me for a bit."
"I'll be fine," he assured her, but she didn't smile as he thanked her for the loan of the suit and hurried after Nevil.
Chapter Two
To Shelton's surprise, Nevil took him to one of the more subdued pubs in Portland, saying he didn't want competition for Shelton's attention. Shelton sighed in relief as he slipped into the booth and settled against the comfortable leather cushions. He'd been half afraid Nevil would take him to one of the boisterous clubs he frequented. This was a more intimate setting, but there were enough people milling around for him to keep his head with Nevil.
A tingle of excitement filled Shelton when the waiter took their order, the man's eyes showing interest as they flicked over him, further bolstering his confidence. Nevil laughed softly, but the sound was warm rather than mocking, filling his heart.
Nevil leaned toward him across the table after the wai
ter brought their drinks. "I'm glad you're here. Everyone's jealous of me."
Shelton snorted, but his heart lifted at the praise. Curious as to why Nevil had said that, he sneaked a look around the crowded room and was startled to encounter a man's open stare. Caught, the blond picked up his drink from the bar and walked toward them, never taking his green eyes off Shelton.
Sliding into the booth beside Nevil, the man gave Nevil a familiar kiss on the cheek. "Who's this, darling? Lovely jacket."
Shelton felt instantly self-conscious. "Thanks. It's a Tera Shaw."
The man snapped his fingers. "That's where I know you! You're right, Nevil, the man's as gorgeous in real life as he is in the catalogs."
Shelton stared at his drink, heat burning his face under the stranger's hot gaze. When had Nevil discussed him with this man? Shelton didn't even know the guy. What had they said?
Nevil picked up his glass and swirled the contents, his eyes focused on the reflection of light in the amber liquid. "Now you've seen him. Shouldn't you be getting home to the boyfriend, or are you going to solicit an autograph?"
The man made an irritated sound, but then his expression changed as he looked from him to Shelton. "Oh, I get it. Want some privacy." He gave Nevil a broad wink. Tossing back his drink, he then slid to his feet. "Well, gotta run. You two have fun." He gave them a leer before pushing his way through the group of people clustered around the bar.
Nevil scowled at his retreating back then turned a rueful face to Shelton. "Michael Barns is an ass even at work. Ignore him. I try to."
They both glanced up as someone called their names and Nevil left the booth to embrace the couple approaching them. "Steve and the lovely Sara." He kissed Steve's pretty wife on her cheek. "Join us."
"Hi." Shelton shook hands with Steve as the couple sat across from him, relieved to see friendly faces. Sara raised a questioning brow when Nevil slipped onto the bench beside Shelton. Shelton gave her a smile in return, his blood racing as Nevil's thigh brushed against his own. Sara was a coworker and one of the few friends who knew of his feelings for Nevil. Shelton wanted to share his hopes with her but kept silent, having no idea where the evening would lead.